Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Soooooo... i jus found out  i cant gotpo the wiz Khalifa concert in ga, because its already sold 2 months in advance, i hate people with no lives...it like sept 28th u have a whole entire month to decide whether u wanna go or not because, im sooooo pissed to that their all sold out like, fukking assholes, any wiz should atlanta have atleast one more date with a bigger venue space, because right now i wanna kick someone ass or my on for not buying them..but who would think they would go up so quickly. it kind of sad i already set out a date for when i was going to take of work and now its pointless, wiz NOWUKNOW u have a whole bunch of crazy white fans..in ga, hell in general, man this sucks im not going to listen to wiz khalifa for at least another week...

Monday, September 20, 2010

Fukk that!

Last nite i had a dream that everyone i knew was married. all my ex'es were married (intentional and untentionals) I MEAN its one thing if you a hoe and high school to the point that whenever people Even mention THE word Hoe . 

your name pops up ever single time, as soon as you graduate you wanna be mr right and get married and shit child pleasse! who are U trying to impress? God?

 he knows all your dirt dont try and cover up ur tracks now with a wife, that you cheat on, or Hoe that fucked a whole entire county. pause a county, which mean ur stuck with a female 2000 other niggas just because u wanted some ass not even an ass, an incision, Epic Fail! 
Congrats on the AIDS baby yay!! And fail on a bitch who wants to marry a guy with a hoe-ass lifespan i mean even as a toddler he was freaked, but u love him. thats the worlds most dumbest excuse i've ever heard. 

love does not put a gun to your head, 

love doesnt make everything clearer it blurrs, its high right?? it slows ur reaction time , and fucks up ur judgement, which in a lot of cases result in a Mary J. Blige song..
in the 90's:   

all im tryin to say is just because ur out of high school doesnt mean should be married @ 20 and have kids at 21. thats not love Ur just REALLY horny and person ur in love with has perfect timing, they fulfilled your needs at the time and now you believe shes/hes the one..

Riight UR ADOLESCENT!! if ur are between the ages of 12-21 u shouldnt be getting married, or nutting inside sum whore, because by psychological standards ur just a big ass horny kid..